Monday, September 7, 2009

Following my new recruitment to the Foreign Ministry, I am now officially attached to the Budget Unit of the Finance and Account Division. A person with zero background in finance and account, being posted to such division, managing budgets of a ministry/106 Malaysian Missions abroad...ermm...

To me, Finance and Account = figures
I could recall since I finished my STPM, I hardly exercise any complex mathematics; well...maybe...or perhaps only during my foundation studies of statistics during the universities?? But even in that subject itself, everything is computerized. Now, I found myself in an awkward situation.

It would definitely be a new path for me. I am not a person who would easily give up on things I never tried. It is indeed challenging for me thou; as I hate finance, banking and account sooooooooo much.....First of all, I must learn to love it =P

To be honest to myself, I could feel like I am drowning and suffocating when I first received my 'desk-posting' order. Yet, I wish to extend my sincere gratitude to Dato' Melanie and Dato' Rohana, the two iron ladies. Thank you very much for all the encouragements, inspiration and motivations! Yes, finance and budget might not sound to be in the front line of the Foreign Ministry, it is the backbone of the entire organization. Nothing moves without good management of finance ;) and I strongly believe that this experience would fill up the 'loophole' of my educational background...towards real multitasking job~~Cheers!!!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009


I've been clearing up some of the unread emails in my mail box and discovered this. How true is it? I think it is the closest analysis or comment on sagittarius to date that I've come across....


她总喜欢做幕后的看客,冷冷地,静静地看着一切,在她眼里,一切都在她的意料之中,她并不觉得有什么是新奇的,如果她表现得新 奇,那是因为她觉得应该这样做。她像一个看戏的人,永远置身事外。


她不敢要太多的爱,她怕享受完爱之后,剩下的只是加倍的痛。所以当别人对她过度宠爱时,她不但不会欣喜,反而会惊惧地逃走,她不 知道怎样回报别人对她的爱,如果你得到她的喜爱,那是因为她已经知道如何面对,如何回报了。


她懂得爱人,但她不习惯爱人,她知道爱往往伴随着恨,而恨,是太沉重的伤痛,也是太容易让人疲倦的感情。她不想痛,也就懒得去 恨,于是,为了防范恨与痛的到来,她只好选择不爱,即使爱,也是淡淡的,冷冷的。别怪她,她是真的不知道如何专注。

她有时也很虚伪。不要指责她,她之所以选择虚伪,那是你勉强她做她不愿做但又拒绝不了的事,她不习惯承诺,也不懂得拒绝,她最擅 长的是难为自己。她不想你难过,只好令自己难过。

她总是固执地认为自己有超乎寻常的承受力,她将自己想得太坚强,而把别人想得太脆弱。她老是担心自己的行为会让别人受到伤害。她 不知道,受伤的其实是自己。只是她不知道如何表现出来,她迷糊得像别人所认为的那样,将自己当成一个百毒不侵的人。

别以为她很洒脱,很多时候,她其实是放不下的-——她比任何人都要敏感,都要细腻,但她不会让你知道,她明白,即使你知道了,也 是无济于事。她的心是把握不住的风,她渴望像风一样单纯而自由。


如果她找到了,她会毫不犹豫地停下来,从此放弃心灵的漂泊。很遗憾,她永远也不会满足,她的追求永不停止。她的心再累,无法逼迫 自己放弃梦想,梦想是她唯一的支撑点。

千万别让她失望。因为她学不会原谅,她非常渴求完美,虽然她知道世间没有绝对的完美,但,她有绝对追求完美的执着。你若令她失 望,她会不可挽回地离开,即使她的心在滴血,即使痛楚重得要压垮她的生命,她也绝不回头。那个时候,你在她脸上所看到的,是让人寒心的决绝。即使她还在你的身边,她的心也早就离你十万八千里,你看不到她的恨,但是你会 感受到比恨还让人痛苦的冷淡。她的离开是心灵的离开。

她可以在前半分钟对你好得让你受宠若惊,也可以在后半钟冷漠得让你不可接受。不要问她为什么这样善变,她也不知道。当你看到她在 疯狂地快乐或悲伤时,千万不要迷惑,不管她看起来是多么的疯狂,她内心其实是冷静的,她比你们任何一个旁观者更知道如何处理快乐与悲伤,她只是习惯-—— 也可以说是喜欢将一切都变得疯狂。因为她觉得这是义务,也是权利,她是制造气氛的能手,她的一句俏皮话会让一切轻快起来,但她的一声叹息又会将一切都弄得很沉重。 她总是不由自主地交错操纵着快乐与忧郁.


在她的世界里,盛着的不是快乐的源泉,而是她不愿在人前滴下的泪水。你看到的她,笑起来像一个孩子,你有时会认为她天真得像是童 话里走出来的天使。但是,你若有心,你会看到她沉静时脸上挥之不去的忧伤,还有她的眼底,竟那么凝重地积压着一种看破红尘的味道。她只有在午夜无人的时 候,才会完全地释放自己。她不会在众目睽睽之下表露她的无助,她的彷徨,她的沧桑。她心里的,是永远流不尽的泪。你所看到的坚强,只是她在竭力掩饰的脆弱。

Monday, June 1, 2009

It was my first day reporting to work in the public sector....guess what? I ended up pushing away a car which was blocking my way out to the Minsitry from the JPA.....sigh....what a day it was~~~~

I couldn't believe that I actually joined the Foreign Ministry as this moment, yet I'm already in the Ministry today. Amazed by the number of forms that I need to fill up on my first day, I never thought that filling up forms could be tiring as well =P

Similar to that of the security interview I underwent during my internship with the U.S. Embassy, the security interview here was actually in written forms. Many questions we need to answer, including the people around us. Well, I guess that's part of the reasons why working with the Foreign Ministry sounds 'exclusive' to some people...Next, we went to the Istana Kehakiman to swear in as a government officer....I love the architecture of the building, extremely impressive...I would suggest if anyone going to Putrajaya, please, do spend some time to admire the buildings there, and don't forget to take some pics.

It's been a job that I wanted since long time ago as the career opportunities for us to work in a very relevant field is not much in Malaysia. There would be a 'floating' period as expected. But I look forward to fast working tempo and loads of works to be assigned. I learnt something today: think, formulate, implement, assess and review. They are not only the main tasks to be carried out to accomplish the job, but also something very practical to improve our lives. I feel my passion towards the new job and the new working environment. As I always do, I expect myself to achieve something in this new place ^_^ CheerS!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009





Wednesday, April 15, 2009

It was one of the most memorable Birthdays that I've been celebrating with my dad. The only regret that I had was that I didn't make myself on time to catch up his party on Friday. Yet, we enjoyed so much so in a "Joint" Birthday party on Saturday^^

Ever since I entered the University, less and less time was spent with my family, especially with my parents. It was actually a Birthday party of three old buddies who celebrated their birthdays, not on the same day, but three consecutive days. The most wonderful moment, to me, is such that all the old and close buddies to come together, chat, sing and laugh together^^ I wonder if I would have a chance like that to spend my time with my old buddies like they did.....

This bunch of good friends are really good drinkers. Brandy and wine, plus beer aftermath seems to have no effect on them. In fact, it was me who got drunken after a couple glasses of red wine =.=" aiks.....perhaps I should get some training then...But definitely, we have a great time together, as these uncles and aunties had been watching me growing up since my's like my gathering here.....I just noticed how much I miss my parents when I started to u all~~~~

Friday, March 13, 2009

Working Life

Finally, i manage to secure a job in this period of economic downturn. Surprisingly, I did not end up in any Foreign Ministry or international Non-Governmental Organization or Research Institute like I've planned. Instead, I'm now in the private electrical engineering company. I am sure most of my lecturers in the University would be shocked to know what I am doing

I could never imagine myself, a nerd in electrics to be working in this industry. It is totally different from what I have studied. Yet, it is a brand new experience for me. I do appreciate the given opportunity, and I am eager to know the feelings of working, earning and spending my own money^^

Staying in Kepong and working in Shah Alam is not a very good idea. However, it is not so bad though. I would say tat to some extent we do have fine expressway in Malaysia , but it comes back to the same problem of maintenance. Holes are found on the roads, and for some split roads, I doubted if the design matches any road safety standard.

To wake up early in the morning is not an issue for me, but I would say patience is a very important value for one to survive in the heavy traffic in this region. It takes about 20mins for me to reach the office in a smooth traffic. Yet, due to the horrible traffic condition, it takes another 20mins to stuck in the traffic....haiz....A five-minute-late, would cost me another 20mins to reach the office -_-"

Today would be the last day of my second week here. Well, for a freshie who doesn't know anything about business, I think I am doing pretty well to catch up the working flow in the office. Yet, I hope for more motivating atmosphere in the office...

Saturday, February 28, 2009







Friday, February 20, 2009


“骨牌效应”,英语为 Domino Theory,是用于形容小小的初始能量能导致的连锁反应。在国际政治里,骨牌效应曾被用于冷战时期形容共产主义的渲染力。当时的国际社会相信一旦共产党在中国成功执政,共产主义将迅速蔓延到亚洲国家,尤其是东南亚发展中国家,这些国家将被共产主义控制。“骨牌效应”也被广泛地用作政治宣传目的。




Sunday, February 15, 2009




另一束红玫瑰是在下午收到的,送花人是个老朋友。如果没记错的话,三朵红玫瑰的花语应该是 “我爱你”。然而这束花的花语对我来说是“贴心的友情”。我们相约在下午一起去KTV唱了三个小时。或许是想到今年是我过去七年来第一次没有情人陪伴渡过的情人节吧?为了照顾我的感受,他很有风度地买了一束花送我。真的很贴心,谢谢你!


Tuesday, February 10, 2009




从这两次的爬山经验,我发现自己体验了不同的感觉,尤其是当我一步一步,慢慢地向上走,有一种脚踏实地的感觉,蛮好的。 虽然没有办法到达山顶,可是山上有个花园,能够眺望怡保的景色。阵阵的凉风吹来,让人精神抖擞,感觉真的好棒!



Thursday, February 5, 2009


在2008年的大选, 民联以31议席vs国阵的28议席,取得霹雳州的执政权。然而,308 后一浪接一浪有关跳槽的流言蜚语,却让大马的政治前景充满了暗涌。终于,在2009年的二月,4名民联代议士前后退党后再将政治意愿投向国阵,霹雳州宣告变天。


今天,人民的抉择没有被尊重,中选的人民代议士退党、跳槽等的行为践踏了民主!人民对他们的委托与信任,等同被出卖!或许有人会说这就是在大选投票时选党不选人 的结果,然而在选党还是选人的课题上却又包含了人民对政党政治纲要的接受性,对改革原有政府的期盼,还有对人选赋予委托的可信性,三者之间的矛盾和复杂性。要不是人民不再满意原有的执政党,放弃支持他们,民联又有何机会在大选中胜出?迫使人民选党不选人的到底是那令人惧怕的反风,还是令人 失望的执政表现促使人民力求改变,答案呼之欲出!


Sunday, February 1, 2009

'International law is an instrument used by the powerful nations to oppress the weak nations' was a question given by my lecturer as part of the coursework evaluation in the class on 'International Law'. From my reading, I've come out with the following writing to answer the question. It might not be a very good writing, but I think it is one of my best pieces throughout the three years of my study ^_^

Centuries before the emergence of the nation states, interactions between the different continents in the world were limited; precisely, there was no interaction. In fact, communication and interaction were restricted to the poor development of communication system. In those days, relations between the nowadays “nation-states” was limited to the extent that, laws of nations was not required to maintain the then “international system”.

The resolution of the Peace of Westphalia in 1648 eventually marks the beginning of the modern world—the emergence of nation-states and the current international system. However, the existence of international law in the other analogous forms existed far before this modern era. According to John O’Brien (2001), “Records exist of the making of treaties and the sending of ambassadors from at least the time of ancient Egypt” (pg. 5). Indeed the conflict between Egypt and the Hittites in 1269 BC was brought to an end by a peace treaty; nonetheless, around 1100 BC, Ramases II of Egypt concluded an agreement with the King of the Hittites pledging peace and brotherhood. These had actually set the layout of the current international law that is being practiced today.

However, the interaction in today’s international system is a complicated one. The lack of a central authority had left the international system an anarchic. International actors are not only subjected to the state actors; the non-state actors may as well exercise its influence in the global perspective. International relations nowadays are about the interactions between and among international actors—state actors, non-state actors, and those between state and non-state actors. The role of international law has grown world-wide. Yet, the compliance of the international actors to that of the international law remains suspected and blurred, eventually, the accountability of the international law is being questioned, whether the law had actually secured the will and interests of all the nations, regardless of the states’ capacities.

There have been a lot of arguments and discussion on the credibility of international law as “law”. Anthony Clark Arend (2004) elucidated that, “…one of the greatest criticism levelled against international law is that it is not really ‘law’” (pg. 903). This is mainly due to the fact that the current international system is lack of a central authority. David Robertson (2002) asserted that, “Legal theorists still debate whether or not international law really is law…because there exists no mechanism for enforcing judgments (pg. 243). However, in this paper work, international law will be discussed in such a way that international law is law and it had been exercised as a diplomatic means to conduct international relations.

International law is being refined as a system that regulates the behaviours of states, where states are the principal actors on the international scene. According to Anthony Clark Arend (2004), international law is “consisting of a set rules that are binding on international actors….the actors to whom it is addressed are under an obligation to carry out these rules”, stressing that the international actors are typically described as binding on both state and non-state actors (pg. 897-898). The ‘Oxford Companion to Politics of the World’ (1993) proposed that, “The body of legal standards, procedures, and institutions governing the social intercourse of sovereign states is known as international law” (pg. 440). On the other hand, ‘The Blackwell Encyclopaedia of Political Thought’ (1991) defined international law as, “that body of rules and usages which collectively govern the relations between and among states. Depending on the context, ‘international law’ can refer to ….positive international law, customary international law, the principles of international law, and the theory of international law” (pg. 246).

International law is divided into public international law and private international law, in which public international law governs the relations between states, and those between states and international organization. Public international law consists of the generally understood rules governing the relations between states, as well as an enormous mass of treaty-based specific regulations (David Robertson, 2002, pg. 243). Thus, it can be concluded that fundamentally, the international law concerns primarily the relations between state actors; whereas the private international law is the body of rules and arbitration agreements covering contractual arrangements between non-governmental bodies from different countries.

What is the ultimate objective of international law? According to ‘The Oxford Companion to Politics of the World’ (1993), the main purpose of international law is to “orient and channel the foreign policy of states so as to further relationships of coexistence and cooperation” (pg. 440). The international law has been used broadly as a diplomatic measure, nevertheless, an instrument of foreign policy of a state to achieve its national interests. In today’s international system, the member countries of the United Nations are obliged to the Charter of the United Nations. Meanwhile, the International Court of Justice (ICJ), International Criminal Court (ICC), World Trade Organization (WTO) and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) serve as the main resource of recommendations that constitute most of the customary and international treaties (sources of international law).

In the justification of such a question, the powerful nations and the weak nations should be defined. Besides that, it is important to clarify the meaning of the question and then the appropriate aspect that should be discussed, to present a better picture of the international scene.

When international law is being seen as an ‘instrument’, it is referring to the usage of international law in a legal means which constitutes to the misuse of international law, but not the violation of international law. In this writing, the violation of international law refers to that of breaking of rules (in the context of international law—the treaties, conventions and customary laws). This is important such that when the violation of international law occurs, the rules-breaker is actually regardless of the existence of the international law. In simple words, when one does anything regardless of the international law that one is obliged to, to that state, the international law actually does not exist, thus it is not being ‘used’ as an instrument.

The term ‘oppress’ in this paperwork is defined as actions including the unjust and immoral actions towards the weak nations, politically, economically and socially. It should be clarified that law does not confine to conform morality and justice. In the spectrum of law, the only distinction that exists is that between ‘legal’ and ‘illegal’. Therefore, the context in which this paper is focusing is: Is international law being used in a legal way by the powerful nations to oppress the weak, resulting in benefits gained by the powerful nations, whereas the weak nations suffering from the damages and casualties that are brought about.

What constitutes a nation to be considered as powerful or weak? In the international system, the powerful nations are fundamentally those with strong economic power, high rate of literacy, nonetheless, and the advanced military power. In the current international system, G8 are considered as powerful nations. On the other hand, the weak nations are those highly dependent on the powerful nations for their capitals in terms of foreign investments, transfer of technologies to assist development of the country. This is distinguished when such countries are actually in debt to the international monetary institutions. These nations include mainly the Third World countries.

Focusing on the use of treaty, the use of force and sanctions, the following part of the paper will be focusing on a few cases that constitutes to the misuse of international law as an instrument to oppress the weak nations by the powerful nations.

The Panama Canal: The Surrender of Territorial Sovereignty
The reduction of territorial sovereignty of Panama in a ten-mile-wide strip across the isthmus of the current Panama Canal serves a distinguished example of how a powerful nation—the United States oppressed the weak nation—Panama. The Panama Canal has been the most important sea lines of communication and commercials for the United States, economically and militarily. Since 1903, Panama did not exercise its sovereignty on its own land. Ironically, the United States had been exercising its de facto sovereignty in the canal. In fact, it was the U.S. that put the country under such situation through the 1903 Hay-Bunau-Varilla Treaty.

One of the most important figures who are responsible for the reduction of sovereignty of Panama in the Panama Canal is Philippe Bunau-Varilla, the one upon whom the leaders of the Panamanian revolution had relied for advice. However, Bunau-Varilla was also representing the successor company to Ferdinand de Lesseps’s (who had won a concession from Columbia—the formal colonist of Panama to build the Panama Canal) bankrupt enterprise. He signed the 1903 treaty which gave the Untied States to build a canal and also granted in perpetuity the use, occupation, and control of a ten-mile strip of land across the middle of Panama (adapted from Robert W. McElroy, 1992, pg. 123). In return, the United States granted the independence of Panama, to pay the new government US$ 10 million for the canal and Canal Zone rights, and to pay an annual fee of US$250,000.

Although the Panamanian delegation that later arrived in Washington was devastated by the terms of the treaty, especially the exchange of ‘money’ between Bunau-Varilla and the residual rights to the canal concession, they had no choice but to agree with the treaty. This is done mainly for the raison dêtre of the country. According to Congressional Research Service (1977):
…the United States would withdraw its protection of Panamanian independence if the new treaty were not ratified by Panama. Thus on December 2, 1903, the Panamanian junta, citing the “indispensable need” to guarantee U.S. support for the independence of Panama, consented to the Hay-Bunau-Varilla Treaty and surrendered its powers of sovereignty over the centrepiece of its national territory. (As adapted from Robert W. McElroy, 1992, pg. 124)

The 1903 Treaty is indeed a valid treaty, ratified by the Panamanian government. However, it had greatly oppressed the sovereignty of Panama by using the legal framework of the international law. Using the 1903 treaty, the Canal Zone had its own American police, American court system, and American jails; Panamanians who committed crimes within the Zone were prosecuted by American authorities; overt discriminatory aspects to the administration of the Zone in terms of educations and vacancies, even infrastructures such as drinking fountains for Americans and Panamanians are separated (Robert W. McElroy, 1992, pg. 124). It was indeed a form of ‘Apartheid’ in Panama.

The Invasion of Iraq 2003: Pre-emptive Strike: Legality and Morality
After the incident of September 11, the world seems to be drawn into the great phobia towards terrorisms. The United States which suffers the greatest casualties from the collapse of the World Trade Center and the Pentagon was ‘given’ most sympathies by the public community. Aided by Great Britain and Australia, the legality of the military invasion of Iraq in 2003 by the United States was claimed upon the possession of sufficient legal authority to use force against Iraq pursuant to Security Council resolutions adopted in 1990 and 1991. The Bush administration asserted that the U.S. had a legal right to use force “in the exercise of its inherent right of self defense, recognized in Article 51 of the United Nations Charter.
Indeed, the invasion of Iraq in 2003 was fundamentally being launched in the name of self-defense, precisely—it was a pre-emptive strike. Firstly, the nation of Iraq was being accused of possession and development of weapons of mass destructions (WMD), nonetheless, the ‘secret link’ between the state leader—Saddam Hussein and the global Islamist terrorists group—Al-Qaeda. Basically, these are the two main reasons other than the distinguished abuse of human rights in the country. However, the pre-emptive strike launched by the America is questionable, whether it is a way of oppressing the weak nation by using international law.
Adapted from the writing of Anthony Clark Arend (2003) in “International Law and the Preemptive Use of Military Force”:
Under Article 2(4) of the United Nations Charter, states were to “refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any State or in any other manner inconsistent with the Purposes of the United Nations.” In the charter, there were only two explicit exceptions to this prohibition: force authorized by the Security Council and force in self-defense. Under Article 38, the council is empowered to determine if there is a “threat to the peace, breach of the peace, or act of aggression.” If the Security Council so determines, it can authorize the use of force against the offending state under Article 42. (Pg. 91-92)

From the writing above, it is clear that any use of force or threat of use of force on the basis of self-defense is legal to be taken. However, there exist some grey areas within the UN Charter of self-defense jurisdiction. Article 51 state that:
Nothing in the present Charter shall impair the inherent right of individual or collective self-defense if an armed attack occurs against a Member of the United Nations, until the Security Council has taken measures necessary to maintain international peace and security. Measures taken by Members in the exercise of this right of self-defence shall be immediately reported to the Security Council and shall not in any way affect the authority and responsibility of the Security Council under the present Charter to take at any time such action as it deems necessary in order to maintain or restore international peace and security (pg. 92)

The 2003 invasion of Iraq serves no concrete and visible evidence of the country involving in development of WMD; whereas the claimant of Saddam Hussein having connection with Al-Qaeda was simply a falsification. The invasion of Iraq can be viewed as the attempts of the powerful nations to oppress the weak nations, whether in the name of counter Islamist terrorists, or solely for the rich petroleum resources in the land of the Middle East region.

In fact, the Islamist terrorist group is actually a decentralized terrorist network—the non-state international actor. The war in Iraq primarily pointed that the state of Iraq is a terrorist state. Joseph M. Schwartz (April, 2004) asserted that, “The U.S. invasion of Iraq marked a dangerous transformation of the “war against terrorism” into a war against “terrorist states”” (pg. 285). He responded that the invasion of Iraq in the doctrine of ‘just war’ against terrorism threaten the excessive use of state military force instead of an efficacious, nuanced police response to a decentralized terrorist network (pg. 275). According to Michel Chossudovsky (2004), “…the Just War theory in its modern day version is an integral part of war propaganda and media disinformation, applied to gain public support for a war agenda.” This resulted in the violation of the weak nation’s sovereignty, nevertheless, more wars and eventually threatens the global peace.

Iraq: Economic Sanctions since Persian Gulf War
Under Chapter VII of the UN Charter, the Security Council can take enforcement measures to maintain or restore international peace and security. Such measures range from economic and/or other sanctions not involving the use of armed force to international military action. The Council has resorted to mandatory sanctions as an enforcement tool when peace has been threatened and diplomatic efforts have failed. Such sanctions included comprehensive economic and trade sanctions and/or more targeted measures such as arms embargoes (Retrieved from UN Security Council Sanctions Committeess website, 2007).

The well-kept record of the United States manipulation of the sanctions program to Iraq since 1991 portrays a good example of the powerful nations oppressing the weak using international law. Within the UN Security Council, the United States has been oppressing the nation by all means. Joy Gordon (2002) asserted that:
…the United States has consistently thwarted Iraq from satisfying its most basic humanitarian needs, using sanctions as nothing less than a deadly weapon, and, despite recent reforms, continuing to do so. Invoking security concerns—including those not corroborated by U.N. weapons inspectors—U.S. policymakers have effectively turned a program of international governance into a legitimized act of mass slaughter. (Retrieved from Harper’s Magazine—electronic version).

The sanctions that are being posed by the UN on Iraq is said to be the most comprehensive one. According to Joy Gordon (2002), “…virtually every aspect of the country's imports and exports is controlled….an estimated 500,000 Iraqi children under the age of five have died as a result of the sanctions”. He elucidated that:
…the United States has fought aggressively throughout the last decade to purposefully minimize the humanitarian goods that enter the country. And it has done so in the face of enormous human suffering, including massive increases in child mortality and widespread epidemics. It has sometimes given a reason for its refusal to approve humanitarian goods, sometimes given no reason at all, and sometimes changed its reason three or four times, in each instance causing a delay of months. Since August 1991 the United States has blocked most purchases of materials necessary for Iraq to generate electricity, as well as equipment for radio, telephone, and other communications. Often restrictions have hinged on the withholding of a single essential element, rendering many approved items useless. For example, Iraq was allowed to purchase a sewage-treatment plant but was blocked from buying the generator necessary to run it; this in a country that has been pouring 300,000 tons of raw sewage daily into its rivers. (Retrieved from Harper’s Margazine—electronic version).

Therefore, from the case above, it can be concluded that the United States, had been abusing the very fundamental right of a state by imposing sanctions that eventually resulted in the mass destruction in a weak nation, politically, economically, and socially. Such immoral actions were being done by ‘utilizing’ her position in the UN Security Council, using the legal framework of the UN Charter, oppressing the weak nation—in this case, Iraq.

Referring to the above examples, it can be concluded that international law is an instrument used by the powerful nations to oppress to weak. Indeed, in term of international treaties, in the use of force, even the economic sanctions which sound just, both the intention and the implications of such international law had resulted in various damages to the weak nations, politically, economically and socially. Although the use of international law in such occasions is legal, it was immoral and unjust to the Third World nations involved. These nations become the victims under the legal framework.

Saturday, January 31, 2009

今年如往年一样,在大年初一和家人一起回到父亲的老家给久违的姑婆拜年。从小父母亲就教育我们见着了长辈,就应该根据辈份称呼他们。我很庆幸在父母亲的薰陶下,我对辈份和称呼还蛮熟悉的。我想在现今的社会里,许多家庭都把这部分给省略了,孩子们见到叔父都一律称作 "uncle",姨妈姑姐则为 'auntie'。作为中华文化的一部分,尊重长辈,按照伦理常规给他们称呼是很重要的。很可惜,在讲究简约的现代社会,许多人都忘了。





Saturday, January 3, 2009


昨天看了一部日系电影,片名是 ‘恋空’。 故事好长,大概两个钟头吧?情节很老土,从青涩的高中初恋到男女主角的成长。 后来男生得了癌症,不愿意让女生知道并和她分手。 一直到女生到了每年约定的地点,遇见了男生的好友,告诉他男生就快死了,女生选择留在男生的身边陪伴他走完生命的最后一段路。


类似的故事在许多电邮中看过了不知多少遍。不知道为什么,特别喜欢电影中的这句对白。 我想,对白说的是 ‘能够一直默默地看着你’, 不管是晴天、雨天、白天或夜晚,都一直守护着你。 对白不只是浪漫,更是一种承诺。 更重要的是,说的和听的都是深爱着对方的人。同一句话,能够很甜蜜,也能够是种负担,尤其说的人不是你爱的人,而听的人无法回报这份爱。

人在一生中能够遇到几个自己喜欢,而对方又喜欢自己的呢?自己喜欢的,未必喜欢自己;喜欢自己的,未必是自己也喜欢的。 不是每个人都那么幸运能够和自己喜欢的人相爱。 如果有一天回头看看自己放弃了喜欢自己的人,又会不会后悔? 我不知道,只不过到这一刻为止,我还没放弃追逐自己向往的爱情... ...

Thursday, January 1, 2009

It's the begining of a brand new year. It is something to be happy about. Yet, the Israeli-Hamas war which broke out in the last few days of the year 2008 had brought about bitter start of the new year. Instead of Israeli-Hamas war, I think it is an extension of the Israeli-Palestinian war. Financial crisis + economic recession + wars, what a new year would it be? 'Collateral damages' constituted of women and children from both countries, ie. Israel and Palestine were the 'gifts' to the ordinary civilians and their families. How many kids would become orphans after the war? How many families would be ruined? How many women would lose their husbands? In a world of interdependence, can v just let the war proliferating and running into worst of the worst? STOP the war!!!!!! V should consolidate our power to come across the global economic and financial crisis TOGETHER! Not going into war which cause more deaths and tragedies to the world!! SAY NO TO WAR~~~~~!!!!!!!


今天是2009年的第一天,一直都很想拥有一个比较正式的部落格,但在去的一年实在太忙了只能偶尔在一些交友网站贴上一些短文。 今天终于开了个属于自己的部落格。 在2008年经历了许多事情。压力、考试、论文、祖母的去世、实习、恋情的变化,好多好多。。。。。

问自己为什么要开个部落格? 抒发自己的感受? 还是追赶潮流? 我也不是很确定。可能就是一种‘想要’ 的感觉吧 ^_^

呆在吉隆坡的半年里,遇见了好多人,好多事。 放手一段自己曾经非常在意的恋情,心痛了一阵子,我想也是时候放下了。一些生命的过客真的教会我很多事情。回头看看过去的自己,真的改变了很多,或许这就是成长吧?

有好几个朋友问我新年有什么愿望,才发觉得自己还真的没什么愿望。心里只希望爸妈身体健康。对于自己,还真的没想得太多。 如果是半年前的自己,我想我会希望拿到奖学金到英国去深造,念自己感兴趣的课程。但这一刻,脑袋里是一片空白的。累了吗? 我也不知道。
