Tuesday, September 18, 2012

It's been three years I was working towards getting the PTPTN loan repayment exemption.  Having gone through all the hassles, I was extremely happy that the authority had finally taken our plead seriously,  Yesterday, I log onto the e-fes account in the PTPTN website and found that my account was finally adjusted, last 15th September 2012, and it's time for wait for the black and white from the authority.  Whether or not the 'swift' response was due to the approaching General Election, I do appreciate all those who had contributed to the policy change by including our batch to enjoy the privilege of repayment exemption.  Well Done! and Thanks a BUNCH~~

Friday, February 17, 2012

I didn't receive any flower this year, nor did I receive any physical present.  Nevertheless, I've got one precious gift, an extremely bz si gemuk allocated his time, cramped his working schedule until super pack before and after the special occasion, flew to Singapore and had the sumptuous Tony Roma's pork ribs dinner with this si kurus.